About Me

My photo
Dallas, Texas, United States
I am a Radio, Television, and Film major going into my junior year at the University of North Texas. I'm 19-years-old. My goal in life is to be a media producer. I enjoy my life as a souled out Christian. I enjoy ministry, graphic design, creating things through various venues, and learning. I must warn you, I'm a VERY out-going and fun person so there may be some things you see here to make you giggle! :) God bless.
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Monday, August 1, 2011

THE END 8.1.11

Well, it has honestly been an AMAZING experience here in Tallahassee, FL. I had the sat in obedience to God and watched Him take me from being completely ignorant to production, to in two months time, being the floor director of a live news show with full confidence. I thank God for a great opportunity to learn as much as I have. He has seen me through the rain both literally and metaphorically. :) Also, I'd like to thank Kristen Ledlow and WTXL ABC27 HD for having me, and teaching me the business. Lastly but certainly not least I'd like to thank all of you who contributed to my trip. Your prayers have gotten me through so many trials and have kept me joyful as well as encouraged during a time outside of my comfort zone. The financial contributions literally kept me. I thank all of you who donated because it takes some one with a huge heart to give in that way. 
Where do I go from here?
I'm currently preparing for my transition to another school. I will be attending the University of North Texas in the fall. I'm very excited to see how God is about to use me at a new school. Already I've attended orientation and met some great people. I ask that you all please remain in prayer for my future endeavors. 
I love you all and once again, 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

UPDATE 7.13.11

So if the picture doesn't tell it all, YES I have reached my financial breaking point! lol As stated in the last update, God has been showing me how I'm obliged to be a good steward of what He has blessed me with. On top of God's command I myself am very serious about handling money that some of you have generously donated. So tonight I decided to add up all my receipts (I found it wise to keep EVERY receipt given) and calculated my expenses. Approaching the last two weeks of my internship, I find myself without money. I wanted to know exactly why since I've done my best to keep up with everything. While overlooking my receipts I've seen some purchases that may not have been the wisest purchases. I look at them thinking "I should have gone home and ate instead of buying subway for lunch" or "maybe I should have gotten Great Value brand" but all in all it's been a learning experience. 
God has been so good to me! I watched him get my rent paid two hours before it would be too late yesterday. And I'm sitting here in awe of Him and without worry because I know he will provide even more. He grants me that security in Matthew 6. 
Right now I would like to ask those who are tuning in to keep me uplifted in your prayers, to continue to share with me how I can be praying for you, and I God lays it on your heart to consider donating to my journey. 
Once Again if you would like to contact me my contact information is as follows:

Sir J. Starks
5344 West Tennessee st. #209
Tallahassee, FL 32304
(850) 580 - 4024 ext/room 209

Grace & Peace

Monday, July 4, 2011

UPDATE 7.4.11
Happy fourth of July to everyone! I know it's been quite some time since I've updated you all and there is a lot I have to share with you. For starters, the internship is going great!!! I'm learning so much about floor directing, booth operation and creative services. So far it's hard to call which one is my favorite or which one I would prefer to do for a living. THEY'RE ALL  AWESOME!!! I've learned that it's better to have a decent knowledge in all areas of communications. I've met multiple employees from ABC 27HD and got the to converse with them about what they do. Almost all of them shared how in college they learned not just anchoring, but also equipment operations, filming and editing, and directing. I've also learned about the market system across the nation. My station here in Tallahassee is market 105 out of around 220. It's sort of a rating due to size, ratings, etc. So far, as for what I've been allowed to do, my favorite is commercial shoots. I've been out to multiple commercial shoots with Kristen Ledlow. Witnessing the shoots, the editing of the commercials, and then seeing them run on local television is pretty mind-blowing. I could only imagine how it must feel to actually create them and see it air on television! 
As far as my living conditions, God is constantly showing me His face. I've been here an entire month and due to God's provision I've never gone hungry, my car has only failed me once, and I haven't suffered any physical harm. For that, I give God all the glory. As most of you may know I did not reach my support raising goal of $3,200. However, God has made fit for me to have everything I need. Tomorrow, my rent is due. I don't have it all, but I just can't wait for God to show out again. 
Also I've been attending a local church here called Jacob Chapel Baptist. I'm not for denominations at all but this is a wonderful place of worship. The pastor there is very uplifting and more importantly to me, a great teacher of the word. Attending church at a baptist church has been a chiseling experience. Like I stated before I'm not for denominations and I'm definitely not the most traditional person in the world. I remember a time just last semester when I would've walked out of a service if people began to shout and put on shows. But at Jacob Chapel the first sermon I heard there was over division and denomination. Since then I've been able to worship with a local body and not be distracted. I now understand the differences in people's worship, and have learned to not question rather or not it's genuine because that right is not mine, but the Lord's. 
Spiritually, I've experienced discipline like never before. I like to refer to this season of my life as the "Chisel Season". A young man in my position (living alone, in Florida, with a car, and some money) could easily get himself in trouble. It's great to see how God has separated me from the rest. I'm experiencing not just manhood but discipline as a christian man under the authority of God's word. I'm practicing how to budget and be a great steward with the money that God has blessed me with. I've never really been the woman chaser but it's only by God's grace that I'm not pursuing women or lusting after them while out here. I've also been made aware of the importance of healthy eating and exercise. It's easy to get lazy and let yourself go, but the more I take care of my self with exercise and healthy eating, the longer I live. The longer I live, the more I get to serve the Lord. So that's been a SORE lesson as well. :) This entire experience has been a life changing one. I'm learning a ton. And I thank all of you who have contributed and made this possible. God Bless ya! 
Grace and Peace

P.S. If any of you wish to write of contact me, my address is:
5344 West Tennessee st. # 209
Tallahassee, FL 32304
and my room phone # is: 
850-580-4024 room 209

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

6.15.11 UPDATE IN 5...4...3...2...1

Yes folks, I am at work! :) I've gotten to experience floor directing a lot lately. It's pretty fun. Eventually I will get my hands on experience in the booth as well as the editing Macs. :)
I'm really excited about how much I've learned so far. Regardless of how my money situation goes or how long I actually get to stay, I'm happy that I've learned what I have thus far. 
By the way, my cell phone has been turned off so I can be reached on the hotel room phone at (850)-580-4024.
Please continue to pray for me as I will for you. 
Grace and Peace

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Update! 6.8.11

So far, being in Tallahassee has been very exciting for me. Since I arrived 5 days ago, I've faced many ups and downs. Fortunately, there were more ups than downs! :) As seen in the last post I've settled into my extended stay hotel. It's very cozy. I've begun my internship with ABC and have been learning the ropes in the production field for the past three days. The production side of business is SOOOOOOO mind-blowing! I'm learning of new programs and softwares, how to manage multiple screens and cameras, and even more importantly how to manage the stress that comes along with all the responsibility.  In addition to the stresses with my internship I'm facing some struggles. Money is at the top of that list. I'm currently seeking employment here in Tallahassee but I'm having a difficult time finding anything. I'm discouraged when I hear "its impossible to find a job here due to all the students in Tallahassee." I'm in prayer and trusting in the Lord, regardless of the discouragement. I know this entire experience is for the building up of my perseverance and endurance so in the midst of low/no funds, next month's rent due, and gas being needed I will trust in the creator of it all. Thank you for your time and efforts everyone! Please be in prayer for me as I am for you. 
Grace and Peace

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I arrived in Tallahassee at about 3:15 on June 4th. My room is nice!
I'm so excited!